Erotu joukosta tällä trendikkäällä vaahtomuovihatulla! Tämä pään lisävaruste on valmistettu korkealaatuisesta polyesterista ja vaahdosta, mikä takaa ensiluokkaisen ulkonäön ja tuntuman. Vaahtokuormahatussa on säädettävä neppari, joka varmistaa mukavan istuvuuden, ja verkkoselkä takaa erinomaisen hengittävyyden. Yhteensopiva värinen punos antaa hatulle lisävoimia. Muotoile se suosikkiasullasi mihin aikaan päivästä tahansa.
• Edessä 100 % polyesteriä
• Takaosa 100 % polyesteriverkkoa
• Paksumpi ja raskaampi kangas, laminoitu korkeatiheyksisellä, myrkyttömällä vaahdolla
• Strukturoitu, 5-paneelinen korkki, korkeaprofiilinen
• 8 riviä ompeleita valmiiksi kaarevassa visiirissä
• Saumaton vaahtomuovi etupaneeli vuorauksella
• Sopiva kangasalusta
• Värillinen punos ja hikinauha
• Säädettävä muovinen neppari
• Yksi koko sopii useimmille
Tilaukseen liittyviä tuotteita
Why Choose Carolina Cannabis Creations?
Setting the standard
At Carolina Cannabis Creations, we stand at the forefront of innovation in the burgeoning cannabis sector. Our distinction as one of the select few hemp product manufacturers registered with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a drug manufacturer sets us apart. This prestigious registration underscores our unwavering commitment to adhering to the stringent quality standards and regulations prescribed by the FDA. By choosing us, you align yourself with a level of excellence and regulatory compliance that is unparalleled in the industry. We don't just create CBD products; we set the benchmark for safety, quality, and efficacy, ensuring that every product you receive from Carolina Cannabis Creations is nothing short of exemplary.
Premium Hemp for Premium Products
We take great pride in sourcing our hemp from trusted, high-quality farms. Our hemp is grown using sustainable farming practices, ensuring that every product is not only effective but also environmentally conscious. By meticulously selecting premium hemp, we ensure that our full spectrum, broad spectrum, and CBD isolate products are derived from the best possible source, resulting in a superior experience for our users.
Commitment to Transparency
Carolina Cannabis Creations is dedicated to transparency at every step. We provide comprehensive Certificates of Analysis (COAs) for each of our products, conducted by third-party laboratories. These COAs ensure that our customers are fully informed about the purity, potency, and profile of the cannabinoids in our products. This level of transparency not only demonstrates our confidence in our products but also empowers our customers to make educated decisions about their CBD choices.