Christian Wood

Sep 13, 2021

3 Tips To Prevent Chapped Lips

Updated: Oct 6, 2021

Summer does a number on lips by drying them out. Going in and out of the sun and water makes things even worse. But caring for our lips is not just a summer ritual. Keeping lips moist and preventing drying is a year-round responsibility. The lack of moisture in our lips is often weather-related. Here comes fall!

As soon as summer ends, the cold, dry, air during the cooler seasons causes our skin to dry out easily, and the fragile skin around our lips really takes a beating. It’s easy to forget to protect our lips from the sun especially during fall but it’s a necessity. Our lips react differently to stimuli than our faces and other parts of our bodies. Lips are really sensitive and quick to react to changes in weather and the environment.

Right behind fall is winter. It’ll be here before you know it and with it will come dry skin and chapped lips as weather changes. Cold, dry breezes are just as bad for your lips as summer heat. Both can make your lips miserable; feeling dry and tight.

Here are 3 Tips to Prevent Chapped Lips:

Avoid Biting or Peeling Your Lips

When lips dry, the top layer of skin begins to peel. It’s tempting to bite at it or peel it off. However, biting and peeling off this layer of your lips can make them even worse. It may even lead to bleeding or in worst cases, even infections. The peeling skin might feel uncomfortable, but if you leave it alone it heals itself. Always avoid peeling the skin with your teeth or nails.

Don't Lick Your Lips

You may believe that licking your lips helps to provide moisture. At first, it seems that way. However, it is exactly the opposite. While your lips may stay moist for a minute or two, once the saliva evaporates, which it does quickly, the result is you end up drying up your lips even more. So licking your lips is something to avoid.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated has a lot of benefits. Clear skin is just one of them. Freshwater helps clean your kidneys and moisturize other organs. And it helps with dry lips too. There are many thoughts about what the right amount of water is, but there is no doubt that drinking enough water in a day can keep your body and lips hydrated. Many say 3-4 liters a day, every day is adequate, whether room temperature, cold or warm. Your body benefits from every drop!

Lip Balm

Applying healing balm can provide moisture to your lips and heal the cracks too. Even if your lips get burnt due to the sun, balms will help, but not just any balm.

CBD Lip Balm by Carolina Cannabis Creations

Is a lip balm that contains full-spectrum CBD oil, coconut, and sweet almond oils to moisturize, and beeswax to seal in that moisture. There are 5 flavors currently available: Original, peppermint, pineapple, strawberry, and strawberry rhubarb. Use as often as needed. Be sure to use it every day to see the best results! There is 200mg full-spectrum CBD oil in each tube.

Take care of your lips year-round with Carolina Cannabis Creations. Check out all of our products at
